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The Sights and Voices of Dispossession: The Fight for the Land and the Emerging Culture of the MST (The Movement of the Landless Rural Workers of Brazil)


English (mude para Português)

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Cultural categories by media type: The media specificity of landless cultural expression.

Cultural category:

 Culture: Canon of exclusion

  7 resources

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Pedro Tierra


Pedagogy of steel

Eldorado dos Carajás…

Pedagogy of steel
Beats the body
Atrocious geography…

One hundred years ago Canudos,

Pedagogy of steel
Beats the body
Atrocious geography…

There's a nation of men
excluded from the nation
There's a nation of men
excluded from life
There's a nation of men
excluded from each and every word.
There's a nation of men
in combat beyond the fences.
There's a nation of men
buried deep in mud,
in silence sunken.

They prowl the wire
of the fences' barbs,
faces aglow in the fire
of their camps.

They prowl the walls of the law,
and pressed to their breast
is a ticking bomb:
dream of a land set free.

Is that dream worth a life?
I don't know.
But from this life scant and spent,
I've learned that in death there's no dream.

Is life worth a dream?
Life's worth so little
Outside the fence…

Is the land worth a dream?
The land's worth endless
stocks of cruelty,
inside the fence…

Silence weighs heavy today,
like the eyes of a child
after the shooting.

Eldorado dos Carajás, won't fit
In the fragile vase of words…

If we stay silent,
The stones will scream…

Poems : Edited by Else R P Vieira. Translation © Bernard McGuirk.


November 2002

Resource ID:



Compiled by Else R P Vieira. Translation © Thomas Burns.

Barbed wire
'Formed by two interlaced wires, where barbs of the same type of metal are fixed at regular intervals, making passage difficult or preventing animals from escaping the fenced-in area. In the land struggle, barbed wired represents the fence of the landed-estate, which means expropriation, violence, poverty, and hunger. For this reason, every time the Sem Terra occupy a landed-estate, they cut the barbed-wire, symbolizing the break from a situation of exclusion to one of resocialization and citizenship (Fernandes, Bernardo Mançano. Pequeno Vocabulário da Luta pela Terra. Unpublished). 

‘A struggle of peasant resistance against landowners, which took place in Ceará in the 1930s, when more than 400 people were killed. The name Caldeirão (lit. cauldron) refers to a depression on the land surface, where pure water was found all year round. The area belonged to Father Cícero - a famous priest and politician of the period - who handed it over to the messianic leader Zé Lourenço and his followers to work the land. The great concentration of peasants in the area, however, caught the attention of the landowners, who, fearing the growth of the workers’ organization and a possible occupation of their lands, started a war against the peasants to destroy Caldeirão. This struggle continues in the memory of the landless people of Ceará and is diffused by the MST and the Pastoral Land Commission'(Fernandes, Bernardo Mançano. Pequeno Vocabulário da Luta pela Terra. Unpublished). 

'An important Catholic church in the city of Rio de Janeiro. In July 1993, there was a massacre outside the church, when eight street children were murdered. This fact stirs the indignation of popular movements until today, for which reason Candelária was transformed into a representation of the struggle against violence in the city and the country' (Fernandes, Bernardo Mançano. Pequeno Vocabulário da Luta pela Terra. Unpublished). 

(1) ‘Peasant resistance that took place in the Bahian backlands, led by Antônio Conselheiro, from 1893 to 1897. The village of Canudos managed to organise 25 thousand people. Surrounded by the Army, it resisted a number of military attacks for five years. As Euclides da Cunha says, in his Os Sertões [Rebellion in the Backlands], the classic work that describes the resistance, ‘Canudos did not surrender’'(Fernandes, Bernardo Mançano e Stedile, João Pedro. Brava gente: a trajetória do MST e a luta pela terra no Brasil. São Paulo: Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, 1999, p. 63, n. 32).(2)

(2) ‘The Canudos episode represents one of the high points of the poor peasants’ struggle against repression, poverty, and hunger. Its leader, the mystic Antônio Conselheiro, traveled over the backlands of the northeast from 1870 … in the village of Canudos he founded the city of Belo Monte, which assembled 30 thousand of the landless poor, becoming the second largest city in Bahia … Food was shared equally. The ownership of the land was collective … In 1897, the National Army undertook three expeditions, moblizing 12 thousand men with modern weapons … On October 5, 1897, Canudos was destroyed and 5 thousand soldiers died in the battle … The history of Canudos occurred during the messianic phase of the struggle for land’(Calendário Histórico dos Trabalhadores. São Paulo: MST, Setor de Educação. 3a. edição, 1999, p.71). 

Carandiru, Massacre of
‘On October 2, 1992, in São Paulo … the brutal murder of 111 convicts of Pavilion 9, in the Carandiru Penitentiary, occurred … The criminals responsible for the massacre received as punishment demotion in rank or removal from positions’ (Calendário Histórico dos Trabalhadores. São Paulo: MST, Setor de Educação. 3a. edição, 1999, p.70). 

‘Peasant resistance movement that took place from 1912 to 1916 along the Peixe River, in the states of Santa Catarina and Paraná. The owners resisted the donation of lands by the government to an English company in payment for the building of a railroad. The army and federal troops attacked the owners to guarantee the interests of the English company’ (Fernandes, Bernardo Mançano e Stedile, João Pedro. Brava gente: a trajetória do MST e a luta pela terra no Brasil. São Paulo: Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, 1999, p. 63, n. 34). 

Corumbiara, Massacre of
'In the early morning of August 9, 1995, a contingent of 300 policemen from the Special Operations Command (COE) of Rondonia, attacked 500 Sem Terra families who had occupied the Fazenda Santa Elina, in Corumbiaria. This massacre, which shocked the nation, resulted in nine Sem Terra people dying, including a seven year old girl and two policemen, as well as nineteen wounded and several missing’(Calendário Histórico dos Trabalhadores. São Paulo: MST, Setor de Educação. 3a. edição, 1999, p. 59-60). 

Anthology of poems
A first-hand selection, unpublished in Brazil and elsewhere. A militant poetics; the social and political importance of the poet-singer (cantador), the construction of a canon of exclusion; the landless woman; the theme of death as life's horizon; the pedagogic project.
Else R P Vieira

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School of Languages, Linguistics and Film
Queen Mary University Of London, UK

Project Director & Academic Editor: Else R P Vieira
Web Site Producer: John Walsh
Web Site created: January 2003
Last updated: July 5th 2016