Landless Voices -> Sights & Voices -> By categories -> Culture: Death as life's …

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The Sights and Voices of Dispossession: The Fight for the Land and the Emerging Culture of the MST (The Movement of the Landless Rural Workers of Brazil)


English (mude para Português)

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Emerging culture by categories -> Culture: Death as life's horizon 4 resources (Cultural categories devised by & © Else R P Vieira)

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Ana Claúdia



You look upon the corpse that passes by
With your sickle in hand
With your hoe o'er your shoulder
You look and return to the ground
The ground that you furrow
As your means of life
Being your loss.

You look without comprehending
You ask without understanding,
Who killed that brother?
Brother in our fight and in our fate
With a lump in the throat, tight-chested,
Who brought an end to that life
That only life sought?

If you won't open your eyes
If you won't take the lands
If you won't join the war
Begun by other hands
You will be without doubt
Just another sucked in by death
Watching life pass by.

Poems : Edited by Else R P Vieira. Translation © Bernard McGuirk.


November 2002

Resource ID:


Anthology of poems
A first-hand selection, unpublished in Brazil and elsewhere. A militant poetics; the social and political importance of the poet-singer (cantador), the construction of a canon of exclusion; the landless woman; the theme of death as life's horizon; the pedagogic project.
Else R P Vieira

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Landless Voices hosted by the
School of Languages, Linguistics and Film
Queen Mary University Of London, UK

Project Director & Academic Editor: Else R P Vieira
Web Site Producer: John Walsh
Web Site created: January 2003
Last updated: July 5th 2016